1. Lorem's Blog!
I think that your blog was really good. All of your blog post were really good and had lots of detail. There was really only one think that I saw that I thought maybe you needed to change that was adding an about me. You really don't give any detail about yourself except for the introduction blog post.
2. Keith's Blog!
I liked your blog. I think maybe you need to come up with a different name, because other people that is not in that class may not know what that means.
3.Allyson's Blog!
Your blog was really good. I think you need to put some information about yourself on your blog, because you don't even have your name on your blog. Other than the fact that you don't have any information about yourself your blog is really good. That is all you need to change I think.
4. Ted's Blog!
You definitely need to change the name of your blog. This whole blog isn't really just about computers, it really isn't about computers at all. These blogs are more about programs and websites you use on the computer. If it was about computers this blog would be telling me about computers and how to use them, but it doesn't it tells me about things that you do on computers. Also I think you need an about me and maybe a photo of yourself.
5. Rob's Blog!
I think that your blog is really good. I the background, but I think that you need to make the font a little more readable. Also you don't have an about me. People that read your blog wants to know a little about the author. Other than those minor things I think it is really good.
6. James' Blog
I think that you need to Change your font color, because orange font is a little hard to sit and read for long periods of time. It kind of strains the eyes. Also you need to move your about me to the top.
7. Tyler's Blog!
Your background is dark you might want to fix it up a bit. Also you don't have an about me or any photos of yourself. Also maybe change your title that kind of has nothing to do with anything.
8. Jane's Blog!
I think maybe you should change the name of your blog and also you don't have any about me. Also it wouldn't hurt to add some photos and such. I like your background but maybe change the color on the front around the sides because the orange isn't all that visible.
9. Scotty's Blog!
Your blog needs an about me and maybe some photos as well. your background is really dark I think it needs some color. White and Black strains the eyes after reading it for awhile.
10. Amber's Blog!
Your blog was really good. I think the only thing your blog needs is a title and maybe change the font color. Everything else looks really good and put together. All of you blogs are really good. I think the only thing you need is the title and you'll be good to go.
11. Chris' Blog!
I think your blog was really good. I also like how you wrote about a personal experience with the tea. I think you need to put somethings about yourself because the people reading your blog wants to know a little bit about the author. Your blog was really good other than all of that.